A new chapter

I went out to the inaugural event of the Palmetto Shutterbugs photo group in town this morning. It is led by Chris, a fellow former photojournalist. 

We met at the downtown library location for a short presentation before heading out as a group on a photo walk. A dozen photographers of all skill levels using all types of equipment (from cameraphones to my mirrorless camera kit) strolled around Main Street, capturing whatever caught our eye. 

We returned to the library for lunch and a quick edit session before presenting a selection of images to the group. What follows are some of the images I presented to the group for discussion this afternoon.

The view leading up to the courthouse where early voting for the Republican primary was taking place.

A duotone image of a bush showing the new growth (the lighter colored section) among the darker, mature growth.

An acorn lays in the mulch outside the county courthouse.

Detail of peeling paint on the side of one of the oldest downtown buildings in Sumter.

Looking down the underside of one of the many awnings scattered throughout downtown.

A plant grows next to a painted blue wall. I just loved the color harmony in this shot.

I’m not sure…Am I welcome here or am I supposed to stay out?


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In our fast moving world, photography helps us  slowdown and appreciate the individual moments in life. From the local nature park to a high school athletic event life’s beauty is there for those who want to see it.

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