National Geographic’s 2023 Pictures of the Year

The featured photo is by National Geographic photographer Esther Horvath, who is one of the featured photographers in this competition.


I always enjoy looking at the results of photography contests. It is a humbling reminder that I still have room to grow and improve even though I have worked on my craft for years. 

Earlier this morning, National Geographic released its 2023 Pictures of the Year compilation. (The full listing can be seen behind their paywall here.) 

I saw the news—and a sample set of images—in a piece published by the USA Today on their website.

Honestly, the photo I chose to feature on this post says a lot about the human experience to me. The photo is of a minister in Norway, Rev. Siv Limstrand, who is the only pastor in the country’s Arctic Circle region. Whoever wants to come to Limstrand’s church is welcomed with open arms. 

That’s how things should be. People accept other people. Setting aside our differences to be on the journey of the human experience together. Humans need a level of socializing, and I fear the divisiveness running rampant across the globe today is causing parts of the world to be isolated and closed off. And that is definitely not a good thing for any of us. 


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In our fast moving world, photography helps us  slowdown and appreciate the individual moments in life. From the local nature park to a high school athletic event life’s beauty is there for those who want to see it.

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